온라인 말라얄람어 수업 평점 및 리뷰

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리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2024/02/06 23:37
Manu was friendly and accommodating. She listened to my concerns and customized the lesson plan accordingly. I enjoyed the first class and am hoping to continue with her to learn Malayalam language.

리뷰한 선생님:Nisha Balakrishnan I refine the sensibility of my students.

2024/02/05 11:08
Nisha prepared sentences for me before class and let me pronounce them with her help. With this method, one can enrich their vocabulary and get comfortable with the new sentence structure. There was a comforting ambience and I really liked it :)

리뷰한 선생님:🌞SKY🌝🔥대화🎯 비즈니스 영어 트레이너🔥 🌻 당신의 안전한 영역🌻

2024/02/03 22:05
Only one lesson in and I can already tell Aparajitha is a very good teacher. Receptive, understanding and very friendly. A truly non-judgemental and encouraging space, especially for a complete beginner like myself! I am specifically learning Malayalam for travel (and also for fun), and she caters to that very well giving lots of context for vocab, which I think makes for a very intuitive way of learning. Pronunciation also is something I want to master, and she is very good at explaining it in a way my simple little English mind can understand :) Definitely committing to this beautiful language at least until the end of the year, and it really helps that the process of learning is enjoyable and engaging. If you’re looking for a Malayalam teacher, look no further!!

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2024/02/03 00:18
Manu was really nice and made a really effective trial lesson in which she Made clear on what to Pay attention to and what to Expect concerning the real pronounciation in everyday live.

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2024/01/19 21:14
I had my second lesson with Manu today and really enjoyed it. She was personable and friendly, whilst still remaining professional and focused on the content. She gave me many opportunities to practice speaking and quizzed me throughout the lesson to check my retention of the content. I'm looking forward to my next class!

AI 강사 추천

원하는 조건을 선택하면, 30초 안에 가장 적합한 선생님을 찾아드립니다!

리뷰한 선생님:🌞SKY🌝🔥대화🎯 비즈니스 영어 트레이너🔥 🌻 당신의 안전한 영역🌻

2023/12/15 20:32
Exceptional Malayalam teacher! Great listener and adept at explaining lesson structures. Created an engaging learning environment. Highly recommended for their effective teaching style and commitment to student understanding.

리뷰한 선생님:മഹിജ ശ്യാം-പരിചയസമ്പന്നയായ അധ്യാപിക

2023/12/03 06:37
Had a trial session with Mahija teacher. She is having a graceful personality with child friendly and fun based teaching style. This reflects a positive approach and ready to learn attitude in my children. Excited for further sessions to reach my targeted learning objective. Thank you.

리뷰한 선생님:Nisha Balakrishnan I refine the sensibility of my students.

2023/09/27 10:13
I am happy with my kid’s progress. Nisha Mam is able to create good rapport and this makes the class interesting . I will surely recommend her for anyone who wants to learn Malayalam in short span of time .

리뷰한 선생님:Nisha Balakrishnan I refine the sensibility of my students.

2023/09/24 21:47
Nisha is a very good teacher. She is patient and gentle with my 6 year old daughter. She is teaching both speaking and writing which my daughter is able to retain. She is an excellent choice for a tutor.

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2023/09/14 00:13
Had a great session for learning conversational Malayalam. She covered a wide range of words and devoted ample time to revision. I'm highly motivated to continue my Malayalam journey with her guidance.

리뷰한 선생님:Nisha Balakrishnan I refine the sensibility of my students.

2023/08/14 06:40
Pros: Personalized and adaptive teaching approach In-depth understanding of Malayalam language nuances Engaging and interactive virtual classroom environment Punctuality, professionalism, and dedication to student progress Cons: None whatsoever!

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2023/06/05 21:31
She's very friendly and uses your level of knowledge to help you understand better. Encouraging and understanding teacher, will definitely be booking further lessons. Do recommend for all, even beginner level!

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2023/04/16 12:00
Ms Manu was very encouraging and gave me confidence in my speaking. She helped me break down the pronunciation of difficult words so I can catch it more easily. I have bought a 10-session pack so that I can continue learning Malayalam from her.

리뷰한 선생님:Nisha Balakrishnan I refine the sensibility of my students.

2022/12/28 15:48
Nisha is a dedicated & experienced teacher. She caters her classes to the needs of her students. As a beginner, i was hesitatnt but she assured me & gave me a lot of confidence through practice. I would highly recommend Nisha to all malayalam learners.

리뷰한 선생님:Nisha Balakrishnan I refine the sensibility of my students.

2022/09/26 23:38
A lovely teacher, whose filled with passion and excitement to teach the sweet Malayalam language. I felt very comfortable and excited to learn from her. Thank you Mrs.Balakrishnan :)

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2022/09/20 23:08
Manu can meet your needs no matter what level you begin at. She wants you to learn the language and cater to your needs so that you can understand it. She reviews material from the previous class session, which is beneficial. She teaches various topics so that it doesn't become overwhelming. I would recommend her to anyone who wants to learn or improve their Malayalam at any level.

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2022/07/04 22:40
My family and I really enjoy learning Malayalam from Manu. She is a great instructor. I find her to be very patient and she has excellent time management during lessons. I highly recommend her!

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2022/06/02 07:30
Ms. Manu was a good teacher. The use of the whiteboard was especially helpful for us to understand the vocabulary. We had lots of opportunities to review and repeat throughout the lesson. We're looking forward to more lessons!

리뷰한 선생님:🔥രശ്മി-മലയാളം മാസ്റ്റർ ടീച്ചർ | വ്യാകരണവും പദാവലിയും

2022/01/11 20:58
Thank you for the introductory lesson, and the detailed outline on your teaching style and course structure. The way in which you explained the importance of learning letters, honorifics, and compound words was very intuitive. I look forward to the next lesson!

리뷰한 선생님:മനു മാത്യു

2021/09/12 14:33
Manu made me feel very comfortable, and it was amazing how within a trial class, i had already learnt so much. Manu's delivery was excellent and it was easy to capture whatever she put across. I am definitely looking forward to having more sessions with Manu.

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학생이 원하는 수강료, 학습목표, 선생님의 경력 등을 구체적으로 선택하면 상세 검색 기능을 통해 보다 빠르게 자신에게 맞는 선생님을 찾으실 수 있답니다. 또한 [맛보기 수업]을 신청하시면 원래의 회당 수강료의 절반 가격으로 화상 를 체험해보실 수 있답니다. 그래도 아직 원하는 선생님을 찾지 못하셨다면, 단 3분만에 AI를 통해 자신에게 적합한 선생님을 추천받으실 수 있습니다. AI가 추천해준 선생님의 [맛보기 수업]을 신청하여 공부를 시작해 보세요!
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평균적으로 한국인 선생님의 시간당 수강료는 9500원~37000원 정도이며 원어민 선생님은 약 14000원~59000원입니다. 이를 토대로 본인이 선택한 선생님이 책정한 수강료가 적당하다고 생각하신다면 지금 바로 [맛보기 수업]을 신청해보세요!
수업은 몇 회 정도 신청하는 것이 좋을까요?

이 부분은 본인의 학습 필요량과 학습 목표에 따라 결정하실 수 있습니다. 면접 대비와 같이 단기간에 일회성 목표를 이루고자 하신다면 필요한 만큼의 수업만 수강하시면 되고, 장기적으로 실력을 향상하고자 하신다면 매주 일정한 시간에 학습을 진행할 수 있도록 수강하시면 된답니다. 특히 한번에 수업을 많이 구매하실수록 할인율이 높아지기 때문에 장기적으로 수강하시고자 하신다면 한번에 결제하시는 것을 추천드립니다.
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AmazingTalker의 학생들은 전 세계에 있기 때문에 본사는 신용카드 결제 방식을 지원하고 있습니다. 또한 학생들의 만족도를 보장하기 위해서 학생이 수업을 완료해야만 선생님에게 수강료를 지급합니다.
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