Visible TOEFL score improvement in 10 classes

As the saying goes, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles," I think having a good tutor who tells you how you are performing and what ETS expects for a high scorer is very important. Hannah is a very experienced tutor and she knows the TOEFL exam well. She pointed out key points I once neglected when I prepared for the exam alone last year. Thanks to her tutoring, I knew where my weaknesses were and could focus my efforts on those, which improved my scores in a short amount of time. All in all, Hannah is a patient and professional tutor you wouldn't want to miss.

이야기 속의 선생님

영어 4가지 기술 및 TOEFL
/ 50분
/ 체험수업
한국어B2 중상급
영어C2 고급
영어 4가지 기술 및 TOEFL
한국어B2 중상급
영어C2 고급
중국어A1 입문
안녕하세요, 당신은 영어 듣기, 말하기, 쓰기 또는 읽기에 어려움을 겪고 있습니까? 아니면 대학 입학을 위해 TOEFL이나 IELTS에서 하이 밴드를 원하십니까? 나 여기있어! 대부분의 학생들은 TOEFL에서 100점 이상을 받습니다. TOEFL을 위한 최고의 자료를 제공하겠습니다

1 개 댓글

  • Wow, Congratulations 🎉, Jennifer!!
    I'm thrilled to hear that you've achieved an overall score of 114.

    Also, thank you for such a fantastic review!!