
I'm Luján, Argentina, 20 years of experience, Spanish lover.

Learn Spanish in Spanish
265회 스페인어 수업 완료


스페인어원어민 수준
영어C1 상급
✨I am 48 years old, I am Argentine, I have a Technical Degree in Environmental Sciences and ELE Level C2 Certification of Spanish Language and Culture. ✨25 years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreigners as a second language, including 5 years of international experience in the city of Manhattan, New York. USA. ✨I started teaching Spanish when I moved to the United States. And I quickly became passionate about this activity and to which, since then, I have dedicated myself 100%. ✨In the beginning, and to prepare good classes, I began to develop class materials adapted to the needs of the students I was having and over time I realized that there were plenty of Spanish grammar exercises and summaries on the internet, books, etc. At the same time, I discovered that there were practically no materials to train future instructors on how to teach, to give them a clear methodology, etc. 💎 BECAUSE IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SPEAK A LANGUAGE CORRECTLY TO KNOW HOW TO TEACH IT 💎 ✨And that's when I decided to start creating my own teaching method and perfecting it, based on trial and error, in field work. The development of my teaching methodology has taken me many years of intense work during which I was immersing myself fundamentally in two areas, the first of them: The origins and grammar of Spanish. And the second of the areas of development, and the one that I think is the most enriching for the teaching gaze: fieldwork. ✨I began by studying in depth the grammatical roots of this language, such as its bases for phrase formats and grouping of words to transmit specific messages, specific information, idiomatic formulas that add emotion or feelings to a message, etc. I was isolating each of the basic grammatical structures of the language and its verbal conjugations, which allowed me to organize a sequential skeleton of topics that I consider fundamental when teaching any language. I also spent a lot of time studying the phonetics of Spanish and compared it with the phonetic roots of other languages. I also gave great importance in my study to the knowledge of the formalities of the language, its evolution and changes over time, the use of foreign words, the deformation of many words and/or the appearance and incorporation of new words into the language, etc. . ✨Since my beginnings in teaching, I considered it essential to be able to teach someone a language as rich as Spanish to know in depth the similarities and differences between the two most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, English and Spanish. 💎 MY METHODOLOGY allows anyone to TEACH SPANISH, regardless of their native language ONLY SPEAKING SPANISH FROM "ZERO" AND WITHOUT TRANSLATIONS, which makes it unique and without limitations since it is not necessary to speak the language of a student to to be able to teach him another.💎 🏆 AND BE FULL SURE THAT MY METHOD WORKS 🏆 ✨ I HAVE ALREADY WRITTEN 4 BOOKS. One contains the full development of my method for training new instructors. 📚 "HOW TO TEACH SPANISH IN SPANISH - TRAINING FOR INSTRUCTORS". And the other three books contain developed class by class the materials to work with the students, 📚 “LEARN SPANISH IN SPANISH - BEGINNING LEVEL” / DEVELOPED CLASSES – STUDENT BOOK -. 📚 “LEARN SPANISH IN SPANISH – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL” / DEVELOPED CLASSES – STUDENT BOOK -. 📚 “LEARN SPANISH IN SPANISH - ADVANCED LEVEL” / DEVELOPED CLASSES – BOOK FOR STUDENTS –. ✨ Course MODALITY: Online. ✨ Courses: kids and adults. ✨ LEVELS: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. 📚 REGULAR AND INTENSIVE COURSES of Grammar, Vocabulary and Conversation. 📚 PREPARATION FOR EXAMS: International and ELE. 📚 SPECIFIC COURSES focused on: Writing, Pronunciation and Phonetics, Listening Reading Comprehension. 📚 COURSES ADAPTED to your needs: Spanish for Survival, Business, Human Resources, Medicine, Technology, Art, General Culture, etc. ✨WHY CHOOSE ME ? 💎Because I can convert your difficult learning process from Spanish in a fun and enjoyable experience💎 ✨I work using the developed inductive teaching method and my own class materials specially prepared for each of these Language areas (grammar, vocabulary, conversation, writing, pronunciation, reading comprehension and listening comprehension) divided into levels. ✨You don't need any book. ✨ You will always receive the complete material you need 2 days before each of your classes. ✨ Free first class and level assessment. ✨ You can get discounts by paying for complete class packages. ✨ Class length is 60 minutes. ✨ Class cancellations must be with more than 12 hours to avoid being charged.
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기타 수업 시간
5회 이상 시 추가 혜택이 있습니다. 우측 하단에서 가격을 확인하시거나 장바구니에서 선택하세요!


전체 시간 표시
수업용 동영상 다운로드 가능
일대일 강좌의 비디오는 강좌 종료 후 1년 이내에 다운로드할 수 있으며, 학습 경험을 크게 향상시킵니다!
(이 기능은 수업 녹화를 열는 학생에 한함)

24 개의 스페인어강의평가

  • 莊洪霖
    5월 15, 2024
    She is the professional teacher in Spanish. She talks very much about her teaching model. She has the abundant experience in Spanish teaching. I would like to learn more Spanish from her.
  • 익명
    3월 20, 2024
    We focus on the pronunciation and work on different question types. Look forward to see you in the next lesson
모두 24 개의 강의평가 보기

수강생 평점



  • 2021 - 2022 Nulinga
  • 2018 부터 현재까지 GLOBIBO Language Courses, Corporate Training, Interpretation, Translation y Event Technology
  • 2018 - 2019 SWITCH Language School - Capacitación Corporativa en Idiomas | Traducciones | Interpretaciones


  • 1999 - 2001 Universidad Católica de Salta Universidad Católica de Salta

  • 1994 - 1995 CONSUDEC – Consejo Superior de Educación Católica Ciencias Exactas

  • 2021 - 2022 Nulinga
  • 2018 부터 현재까지 GLOBIBO Language Courses, Corporate Training, Interpretation, Translation y Event Technology
  • 2018 - 2019 SWITCH Language School - Capacitación Corporativa en Idiomas | Traducciones | Interpretaciones
  • 1999 - 2001

    Universidad Católica de Salta

    Universidad Católica de Salta

  • 1994 - 1995

    CONSUDEC – Consejo Superior de Educación Católica

    Ciencias Exactas

자주 묻는 질문

예약 방법

  • 강의 구매 후 선생님의 강의 스케줄에 표시된 시간에 수업을 신청하세요.
  • 『바로 수업 가능』이라고 표시되어 있다면, 즉시 수업을 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 그렇지 않다면 24시간 이후의 수업부터 예약할 수 있어요.


  • 맛보기 수업 시간은 약 25분입니다
  • 정규 수업 시간은 25분 혹은 50분입니다
  • 정규 수업 5회 이상 구매 시 추가 할인이 있습니다. (선생님의 수강료에 따라 상이)


  • 수업 10분 전 사이트에 들어가, 『나의 강의실』내에서 수강할 수업을 찾은 뒤 『교실 들어가기』를 선택하면 ZOOM이 시작되고 수업을 시작할 수 있습니다
  • 휴대폰, PC 모두 ZOOM을 이용해 수업을 들을 수 있습니다. (휴대폰에 미리 ZOOM 어플리케이션을 설치해 주세요)

환불 참고 사항

  • 수업 중 문제가 발생하면 『문제신고』를 클릭하세요. 선생님이 다시 예약을 하거나 AT코인으로 환불해드려요.
  • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.
예약 방법
  • 강의 구매 후 선생님의 강의 스케줄에 표시된 시간에 수업을 신청하세요.
  • 『바로 수업 가능』이라고 표시되어 있다면, 즉시 수업을 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 그렇지 않다면 24시간 이후의 수업부터 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 맛보기 수업 시간은 약 25분입니다
  • 정규 수업 시간은 25분 혹은 50분입니다
  • 정규 수업 5회 이상 구매 시 추가 할인이 있습니다. (선생님의 수강료에 따라 상이)
  • 수업 10분 전 사이트에 들어가, 『나의 강의실』내에서 수강할 수업을 찾은 뒤 『교실 들어가기』를 선택하면 ZOOM이 시작되고 수업을 시작할 수 있습니다
  • 휴대폰, PC 모두 ZOOM을 이용해 수업을 들을 수 있습니다. (휴대폰에 미리 ZOOM 어플리케이션을 설치해 주세요)
환불 참고 사항
  • 수업 중 문제가 발생하면 『문제신고』를 클릭하세요. 선생님이 다시 예약을 하거나 AT코인으로 환불해드려요.
  • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.

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